Top 5 Car Cleaning Tips

Car cleaning often divides a lot of the customers that we speak to. Some love to get into the nooks and crannies of their motor, whereas others are quite happy to just pop to the car wash once every so often.

Although it can be tricky to get a car as clean as the professionals do it, cleaning your car yourself once every so often is a nice little way to save some money. So, if you feel up to the task, here are our top five car cleaning tips so that your motor can be sparkling, spick and span.

Tip #1. Pick your moment
It is so important to choose the appropriate weather when cleaning your car. Believe it or not, some products don’t work as effectively in certain kinds of weather.

So, first things first, don’t wash your car in the rain! Often as soon as you spray, squirt or dab a product onto your exterior… It’s all washed off. Similarly, extremely hot temperatures will make your car too hot to touch and some waxes could end up damaging your paintwork.

Try to stick to cooler days so that not only can you be nice and cool when washing the car, but the products can work effectively.

Tip #2. Get rid of that rubbish!
We would strongly recommend that before you even get those soapy buckets ready that you quickly prepare the inside of the car. Reach into those drink holders, door bins and glove box to get rid of any obvious rubbish such as wrappers or old car parking tickets.

Don’t forget to check under your seat for any other rubbish, sliding the seats back and forth to be sure. You may even find a fifty pence piece, you never know!

Top tip: This is also a good point to wash your car mats.

Tip #3. Save the glass until last!
When cleaning the exterior of your car, windows quite like to cling onto some of the dirt from the other steps. So, when cleaning the exterior of your car, leave it until last.

Ensure that you choose a good glass cleaner that is designed for use on vehicles, not your standard home glass cleaner as they may contain ammonia which isn’t good for vinyl upholstery.

Top tip: Once your windows are clean, ensure to roll them down a bit to get to the top edge!

Tip #4. Drying the car
Drying the car suitably is perhaps one of the most important parts of cleaning any car. Not drying a car properly after cleaning can leave you with smears and streaks which ruins all of your hard work!

We recommend drying with a cloth, but if you are in a hurry then use a few buckets of clean, cold water and drive off. The wind from driving will dry the car and help to minimise streaks.

Tip #5. Cherry on the cake – get rid of smells
We call this the cherry on the cake! Once you have finished cleaning and drying your car, top it off with a nice new air freshener. Or if you prefer, try using one of our interior freshener sprays. So, not only will your car look new, but it will smell new!


Thanks for taking the time to read our top five car cleaning tips, we hope they help in getting your motor looking spick and span.
We stock plenty of car cleaning supplies at GDG, check them out, get the soapy buckets ready and get that car shining.